Santa Cruz Public Libraries: Progress Report on Measure S Projects
This link provides background and updates on improvements planned for all 10 branches of the Santa Cruz Public Library (SCPL) system, using funds from the 2016 Library Bond Measure S. Click here for specific information on the Downtown branch and the Santa Cruz City Council's approval of the mixed use project.
Downtown Library Council Subcommittee & Santa Cruz City Council Action
In May 2019, the Santa Cruz City Council voted to convene a subcommittee to investigate library project alternatives, in collaboration with Library staff and the interested community, and return with a recommendation to the full council by October 2019. The library subcommittee then engaged consultants for further study of either renovating the existing library, or constructing a new library as part of a mixed use project including affordable housing and parking.
On June 23, 2020, the subcommittee presented its unanimous recommendation for the library mixed use option, and this recommendation was adopted by formal City Council action. The vote allows the city to start discussions with affordable housing providers on the low-income housing component, to hire a consultant to begin work on the development’s design, and start gathering detailed financial information related to each component of the mixed-use project. Here is a link to the schedule of the subcommittee's meetings, notes, and relevant resource documents.
Library Facilities Master Plan
In 2013, the Library Joint Powers Agency commissioned a detailed study of the condition of its 10 branches, with options and recommendations for needed improvements — either renovation or replacement — and estimated costs. View
Final Report of the Downtown Library Advisory Committee
In 2017, the City Council appointed a 10-member committee. This is the full report presented to council in September 2018, which includes a summary of their research, community outreach, options considered, and final recommendation. View
Formation of Downtown Forward
Downtown Forward was formed in 2019 to support the Mixed Use Library Project and advancing our objective of creating a more affordable, equitable, and economically viable downtown Santa Cruz. We are made up of a group of organizations and individuals who believe in this project and see it as critical to the advancement of our community. View our full list of supporters.